Childhood Museum

In 1955 Edinburgh City Councilman Patrick Murray came to the conclusion that there was no museum in the city dedicated to children. What’s wrong with the city – there’s nothing like it in the whole world – and then the idea became the actual Edinburgh Museum of Childhood. It’s one of the most unusual museums you’ll ever see. You’ll find ancient Egyptian dolls, the first board games, enormous railway cars and wooden cradles.
Children are, of course, the primary visitors. But adults keep up with the kids and enthusiastically explore the treasures on display. The museum has five stories filled with all sorts of things. Several floors are devoted to games and toys. Today the biggest collection of vintage dolls, toy soldiers and plush toys can be found there. If you had a favourite toy as a child, you’ll find it here. The other floors are filled with things that relate directly to children. Here you can see cradles, cots, tiny dresses that are several hundred years old, children’s crockery, and even a collection of bedpans.